Saturday, March 9, 2013

The first week of school

The first week of school is over and all we can say is that it did not go as smoothly as we wanted the week to go, but isn't that the best part of living in a foreign country where you don't speak the language? Making mistakes is probably something we will keep doing especially since our skills in Korean are not great, but learning from them is the important part. We started school on Monday and my sister and I along with two other girls missed our first class ! We found ourselves waiting in the wrong classroom for about 45 minutes until we called our program manager who informed us we had missed the class. Long story short our program manager Jaehoon told us we had gone to the wrong part of the building because apparently there is a new building and old and took us to the right building. Our class was located in the old building while we accidentally ended up in the new building, but the rest of the week went well! We did not miss any more classes and our classes were actually great. Our major here is Political Science because they do not have our major from back home which happens to be Chicano Studies or (Mexican American studies). Many people asked us why we chose South Korea since our major had nothing to do with Korea, but to our surprise the classes we are taking definitely correlate with our major well! I will have to elaborate on another post, but for now we also happened to go to the cafeteria for dinner a couple times. The food isn't bad, it's okay, but I think it's gonna take a while for our stomachs to get accustomed to the change.We haven't had the chance to try breakfast, but we will soon. Here are a few of the meals we've had so far.

Every Friday the school cafeteria brings out the Western Food option. This Friday morning the Western breakfast  featured included 2 slices of white bread, french fries, cereal and a small side salad. That's a pretty creative breakfast! Though it was tempting we ended up going with the Korean breakfast which was some kind of vegetable soup, steamed rice, kimchi and some other side dishes. 

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