Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Starbucks in S. Korea

Back home our favorite coffee place has always been Starbucks so it has been quite interesting comparing the differences and similarities between a Starbucks in Korea and a Starbucks back in the U.S. The differences between each country are many, but they also share some similarities. We'd like to focus on the differences though because they are definitely something to talk about. What really caught our eye when we first entered Starbucks in Seoul was the size of the place. We've visited a few locations around Seoul and compared to the Starbucks in our city, the locations here are more spacious and often are two floors. It might be because Seoul is a large city, but I don't recall seeing locations as big as the ones in Korea even in New York City. One thing that really stands out is the size of the drinks. A venti in Korea is not a venti from back home; to us it seems that a venti in Korea is more like  equal in size to a grande in the U.S. Another thing that we have come to appreciate about the Starbucks here is that they serve your orders in trays! It's so convenient especially when you order pastries or multiple drinks and they don't ask for names at least they haven't at the locations we have been to instead they yell out the drinks in order, something that does not always happen in Starbucks back home so this means no taking someone else's drink or mix ups ! They also provide you with hand wipes to sanitize your hands before eating which is awesome. The last thing we really like and is extremely convenient, but at the same time is something that takes time to get used to is the recycling. This just doesn't happen in Starbucks it is everywhere! Any sort of restaurant, coffee place, fastfood joint has these recycling areas, and we love it ! The U.S. could learn a little something about Korea's recycling system. Although we have been going regularly to Starbucks we will soon start exploring local coffee shops to get the full experience, the only problem is that there are so many to choose from!

Starbucks is like our sanctuary away from home. 

Convenient and environmentally friendly.  
The view from the top floor. 

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