Thursday, February 21, 2013


We’re down to 4 days before our departure and as the date gets closer we have no time to waste. The past few days have been hectic and they have all involved last minute preparations. We have a bad habit of procrastinating so we still have a lot to do. One thing is for sure, all our documentation is finally done and in order so all that is left to worry about is the little things such as PACKING. We don’t want to over pack but is it really possible not to? Last night we went shopping for essential items, but everything we saw all of a sudden we need it. Although we were on a ‘buy everything mode’ we managed to avoid throwing everything insight into the shopping cart and focused on the items that were on our list with the help of our beloved sister who kept us in check. (*Thank you Daigoro!*) When traveling to a foreign country it is important to check for items that your destination might not have, are hard to obtain, and/ or can be very costly. It is also important to check what is allowed and prohibited by your airlines to avoid any mishaps at the airport.

 Packing list
  1.   Deodorant (deodorant is very expensive in South Korea and comes in smaller sizes so I suggest you stock up on deodorant before traveling to Korea.)  
  2.   Toothbrush/ travel size toothpaste
  3.   Bed sheets (Western style sheets are impossible to find and can also be expensive, but it is ultimately more of a personal choice.)
  4.  Aspirin/ Ibuprofen
  5.  Anti-nausea pills (I tend to get motion sickness easily)
  6.   Eye drops, contacts, contact solution and glasses
  7.    Full size towels (These can be found in Korea, but are a bit pricier.)
  8.  Copies of our passport, visa, insurance, university letter and other important documents.
  9.    Originals – passport, debit / credit card, print-off of e-ticket, etc.
  10. Stock up on make up! Especially if it’s a brand that cannot be found in .   
  11.   Birth control. Bring enough to last your stay. Talk to your gynecologist or insurance although it can be easier to get it from your doctor. They can give you sample packs!
  12. Other female toiletries (pads, tampons) Tampons are rare in Korea so it's essential to pack your own.
  13.    Laptops, cameras and SD cards
  14.  English/ Korean dictionary
  15.   Bring about $300 in cash for emergencies and things you might need to purchase the first week.     

1.       1-2 winter coats
2.       1 Spring jacket
3.       Various shirts  (about 5-7 long sleeve/ short sleeve)
4.       One formal outfit in case of any formal occasions such as school events and dinners etc.
5.       Thermals ! We packed at least 2-3 thermals each.
6.        3 pairs of shoes. Casual, formal, and our boots for the rainy weather
7.       4 pairs of jeans
8.       Sweatshirts, cardigans
9.       Enough underwear to last 2 weeks
1.   2 weeks’ worth of socks

Miscellaneous (Optional)

1.       Favorite movies
2.       Snacks ! (Both salty and sweet. Chances are you might not like the food served on the plane so always bring snacks.)
3.       Favorite books/ magazines
4.       Family pictures
5.       Journal to write about our experiences
6.       Calendar to keep track of our schedule

Since we will be there for half a year and through seasonal changes we’ve decided it be best to buy our clothes as seasons changed.

We will definitely revise this list once our stay in Korea is over and let you know if we over packed or not and what items we missed or did not need.  Overall we spent about $500 dollars for all the necessary things, but remember since it’s two of us it’s double the items and we did stock up on some clothes as well. 

*Other important info: Make sure you call your bank to let them know you will be traveling abroad so you can use your debit/ credit cards without any problems. Also call your phone carrier to learn more about international calling plans. Most likely we will need to get a phone in Korea, but having that international plan can be very useful for the first few days or until we get a phone and prevent any extra charges.*

Sunday, February 17, 2013


It feels like it was only yesterday that studying abroad in South Korea sparked our interest, fast forward a year and we’re only 7 days away from embarking on what we know will be a life changing experience.  Time has flown by, but the process has not been an easy one, from choosing a study abroad program and/or a university that we felt would suite us the best to obtaining a student visa. Although we somewhat expected study abroad to be a challenging process we never fully realized just all that it entailed. Although it can be an overwhelming process we have come to believe as we get closer to the date that it has all been worth it and we’re positive that we will feel even more strongly about it once we are physically there. We were planning to start this blog once we were in Korea, but we feel that it is important to start it now to provide those who are planning to study abroad in the future or who are already going through the process with some valuable study abroad information. Hopefully this will save others some of the unnecessary stress and headaches that can sometimes come with this whole process.  Always Awake will not only focus on our experience as exchange students in  Korea, but it will also consist of as we previously mentioned important  information, as well as tips, and everything we can think of that will be of interest to others! We have noticed that though there are many blogs of exchange students in Korea many of them are very vague on what the process is actually like and are often more personal than informative. We are aiming at making this blog as HELPFUL as possible to others!  We will try our best to update as often as we can, definitely at least twice a week and post many pictures and possibly short videos. Also, this blog will be based on the experiences of both my sister and I and there will be posts written together and others separately, but we will go into more detail on another post. In the coming days leading up to our flight we will make several posts about the first steps one should take when considering study abroad as well as the scholarships available to students and  the process of obtaining a student visa and also a more personal post about us and who we are!   

Ro & Kai